Still think you can't adopt if you're in a same sex relationship?

Adopter Stories by Adoption Now - Still think you can't adopt if you're in a same sex relationship?

Family is family, and at Adoption Now we welcome your enquiry no matter what your sexuality. A common myth that still exists is that you can’t adopt if you are part of the LGBT+ community and in a relationship. The Adoption and Children Act 2002 came into law in December 2005, giving unmarried couples the right to adopt and this included the same rights to adopt for same sex couples.

In this episode we are going to be hearing from not one, not two but 3 of our adopters! Sam, who adopted with his husband Tom, Heather & Emma and Lee. As we always say, no two adoption stories are the same and that is certainly the case with the adopters featured in this episode. But you will be hearing about their adoption journeys and some of the challenges they faced during the adoption process.